A new documentary presents a strong case for the Catholic stand on homosexuality.
Read more at MercatorNet
The Third Way from Blackstone Films on Vimeo.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
The Questionable Ethics of Surrogacy
With the latest controversy regarding surrogacy in Australia, it's worth looking again at the submission made to the "The Investigation into the Altruistic Surrogacy Committee", Queensland, by the Queensland Bioethics Centre.
Whenever the term the
"best interests of the child" is used by people supporting this
legislation [to allow surrogacy] it really means the best interests of the child after the interests
of the adults have been served.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
The Justifiable Outrage of a Donor Conceived Person
From AnonymousUs.org
Below, a person conceived through the use of donor sperm shoots holes through the spin and propaganda of fertility clinics, especially the fallacy that sperm donation is praiseworthy.
I don't want to meet him, sorry.
This may be strange to hear but I don't want to meet my donor, I've traveled the interwebs looking for other donor offspring who are oppose to this practice, and are demanding justice and change. My search has led me here.
I have my reasons for never wanting to know my father. Anyone who willingly degrades women to sexual objectification in pornography, willingly disowns the children he doesn't personally want, willingly impregnates multiple strangers, has these people raise his biological children, and never once in his life checks in to see if his kids are healthy, happy, alive, is not worth my time looking for. This person is the most atrocious and loathing human male on the planet, and the issue is that he thinks he has just done a service to humanity. We have enough men who abandon and disown their children, it's called 'deadbeat fatherhood'. Just because you were paid doesn't mean you're a hero. You're still a monster.
I'm not here to depreciate any donor offspring personal search for the dummy who abandon them. Origins are important to many people, and I completely understand that. This entry is just about me.
If I stand alone here, so be it, but I want it abolished. There is absolutely nothing to gain from reproductive technologies, besides 'happy customers'. But sometimes not even happiness to the customers is guaranteed, social parents can and have demanded refunds from the companies that manufactured their children because their children did not turn out how they paid for them to. The gamete banks depict posters of smiling children but more importantly they caption these words at the bottom of their posters: "have the family of your dreams!". So what are these companies doing? They're advertising children to couples. How on earth is this ethical? A donor can have well over two hundred offspring being raised by strangers around his area. He could easily date and have sex with his own daughter. More importantly these offspring could end up having sex with one another, without knowledge. This makes sperm donning a public health issue. Not only this, but as other victims of this unregulated practice have already expressed, our fathers and mothers are treated like breeding studs, their gametes are treated like 'raw material', our conception is manufactured in a laboratory, and our life was ultimately paid for with cash money. We are chattel, and the companies know this so they try their hardest to sugar code the truth, and promote their lies in media, so that people will not get concern. If you're getting paid, you're not donning, you're selling. If you're being selected from a catalogue, you're not 'helping a couple', you're advertising your DNA, like a breeding animal. And children should never be 'wanted'. We should only want material objects. The love of a parent should never be measured on how much that parent spent buying the children themselves. That is completely disgusting and disturbing.
The donor sibling registry is not anyone's saving grace. It's a terrible attempt to normalize this dehumanizing business. Why is it ok for you to purposely separate your children from their biological parents, then play the hero who 'found' the long lost siblings online, when you had partook in separating them from one another in the first place? Why is it ok to put your kids through the psychological torture of searching desperately for their missing families, of who they may never completely find because there could be many more siblings that aren't on the sibling registry, just so you can get the family you want? Do you realize that there are many kids who couldn't find their family on this website who are still I the search?
I am more disgusted on how I was 'made' than never knowing the idiot who partook in this human trafficking. I never wish to know him, I don't thank him for giving me life, I don't appreciate how he help delude my social parents into thinking they both created me, so they can feel better about their infertility. I don't appreciate him lying to them and telling them he gave them treatment for their infertility, when all he did was use them for the spread his descendants, while never having to take care of those descendants.
If you think I should be praising these reproductive technologies for giving me life, you're not in your right mind. With that understanding, I should be down at the feet of my mother's rapist, if my mother had been raped by my father, praising him for raping my mother, thus giving me life. It simply doesn't work the way people think.
Signed, a donor kid, not on the search
Date submitted: April 04, 2014 [from Donor Conceived]
Below, a person conceived through the use of donor sperm shoots holes through the spin and propaganda of fertility clinics, especially the fallacy that sperm donation is praiseworthy.
I don't want to meet him, sorry.
This may be strange to hear but I don't want to meet my donor, I've traveled the interwebs looking for other donor offspring who are oppose to this practice, and are demanding justice and change. My search has led me here.
I have my reasons for never wanting to know my father. Anyone who willingly degrades women to sexual objectification in pornography, willingly disowns the children he doesn't personally want, willingly impregnates multiple strangers, has these people raise his biological children, and never once in his life checks in to see if his kids are healthy, happy, alive, is not worth my time looking for. This person is the most atrocious and loathing human male on the planet, and the issue is that he thinks he has just done a service to humanity. We have enough men who abandon and disown their children, it's called 'deadbeat fatherhood'. Just because you were paid doesn't mean you're a hero. You're still a monster.
I'm not here to depreciate any donor offspring personal search for the dummy who abandon them. Origins are important to many people, and I completely understand that. This entry is just about me.
If I stand alone here, so be it, but I want it abolished. There is absolutely nothing to gain from reproductive technologies, besides 'happy customers'. But sometimes not even happiness to the customers is guaranteed, social parents can and have demanded refunds from the companies that manufactured their children because their children did not turn out how they paid for them to. The gamete banks depict posters of smiling children but more importantly they caption these words at the bottom of their posters: "have the family of your dreams!". So what are these companies doing? They're advertising children to couples. How on earth is this ethical? A donor can have well over two hundred offspring being raised by strangers around his area. He could easily date and have sex with his own daughter. More importantly these offspring could end up having sex with one another, without knowledge. This makes sperm donning a public health issue. Not only this, but as other victims of this unregulated practice have already expressed, our fathers and mothers are treated like breeding studs, their gametes are treated like 'raw material', our conception is manufactured in a laboratory, and our life was ultimately paid for with cash money. We are chattel, and the companies know this so they try their hardest to sugar code the truth, and promote their lies in media, so that people will not get concern. If you're getting paid, you're not donning, you're selling. If you're being selected from a catalogue, you're not 'helping a couple', you're advertising your DNA, like a breeding animal. And children should never be 'wanted'. We should only want material objects. The love of a parent should never be measured on how much that parent spent buying the children themselves. That is completely disgusting and disturbing.
The donor sibling registry is not anyone's saving grace. It's a terrible attempt to normalize this dehumanizing business. Why is it ok for you to purposely separate your children from their biological parents, then play the hero who 'found' the long lost siblings online, when you had partook in separating them from one another in the first place? Why is it ok to put your kids through the psychological torture of searching desperately for their missing families, of who they may never completely find because there could be many more siblings that aren't on the sibling registry, just so you can get the family you want? Do you realize that there are many kids who couldn't find their family on this website who are still I the search?
I am more disgusted on how I was 'made' than never knowing the idiot who partook in this human trafficking. I never wish to know him, I don't thank him for giving me life, I don't appreciate how he help delude my social parents into thinking they both created me, so they can feel better about their infertility. I don't appreciate him lying to them and telling them he gave them treatment for their infertility, when all he did was use them for the spread his descendants, while never having to take care of those descendants.
If you think I should be praising these reproductive technologies for giving me life, you're not in your right mind. With that understanding, I should be down at the feet of my mother's rapist, if my mother had been raped by my father, praising him for raping my mother, thus giving me life. It simply doesn't work the way people think.
Signed, a donor kid, not on the search
Date submitted: April 04, 2014 [from Donor Conceived]
Amen to that. I couldn't have said it better!
Artificial Reproduction,
Friday, July 18, 2014
Bishop Anthony Fisher OP: Ten Myths about the Catholic Church
This was recorded on the 3 March 2014 at The Commercial Hotel, Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia.
From xt3.com via CathNews (Audio only).
Index. Click on topic below.
1. Rolling Stone's Pope Francis Vs the Real Pope Francis
2. Women. Do women have souls?
3.Treating Gays badly.
4. HIV/AIDS. How the Church killed millions of people.
5. Vatican Wealth.
6. Child Sex Abuse.
7. Past Misdeeds of the Church - Crusades etc.
8. The Church opposed to Science.
9. Sin and Catholic Guilt.
10. Evangelisation and the Responsibility of the Laity.
Questions and Answers.
From xt3.com via CathNews (Audio only).
Index. Click on topic below.
1. Rolling Stone's Pope Francis Vs the Real Pope Francis
2. Women. Do women have souls?
3.Treating Gays badly.
4. HIV/AIDS. How the Church killed millions of people.
5. Vatican Wealth.
6. Child Sex Abuse.
7. Past Misdeeds of the Church - Crusades etc.
8. The Church opposed to Science.
9. Sin and Catholic Guilt.
10. Evangelisation and the Responsibility of the Laity.
Questions and Answers.
The Truth Behind the Myth of Tuam's Septic Tank Babies
Thanks to Paul Barry at ABC's Media Watch.
Celebrities spreading hate,
Thursday, July 10, 2014
"The Fault in our Stars" - A Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
The Young Turks Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur Spread some Anti-Catholic Lies.
A Commentary on another Young Turks Mental Meltdown
Fourteen Lies in Four Minutes.
A Summary: Regardless of what the Young Turks'Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur would lead you to believe, Catholic nuns in Ireland didn't stuff the bodies of 800 dead children into a septic tank.
The lies:
1. (0:12). No Ana, the home wasn't shut down because of, as you falsely claim, a significant number of children would die in the home. From page 7 of the Catholic League report, Bill Donohue states that:
"In 1961, the building was falling apart and needed to be renovated. But no funds were available, so it closed. The nuns handed over all the records to the authorities, which today is called the Health Service Executive in Galway. In the early 1970s, the building was demolished to make way for a new housing complex."2. (0:20). Really Ana? Who? Who often wondered about the bodies?
3. (0:27). No Ana, Catherine Corless never said she found any bodies of dead babies let alone 800 of them in a septic tank.
4. Again Ana, you're wrong. There is no evidence that dead babies were disposed of in a septic tank. Back in the 1970s a couple of young boys found some skeleton remains (15-20) in what has been variously described as an old concrete water tank, or a crypt.
* (0:44). Seriously Ana, you're quoting a story for the notoriously anti-Catholic Washington Post on a matter regarding the Catholic Church! That's a bit like asking the Westboro Baptist Church about homosexuality.
5. (1:09). No Cenk, there is no evidence that a lot of these children died as a result of malnutrition. This time quoting from a retraction given by the Associated Press (AP):
"Contrary to the allegation of widespread starvation highlighted in some reports, only 18 children were recorded as suffering from severe malnutrition."6. (1:19). Cenk, I'm guessing that because you are a person who believes that killing human life within a mother's womb is an acceptable practice, you then have a need to demonize those with a contrary view. But according to historical accounts the nuns provided love and care to these women and children. See pages 9 and 10 of the Catholic League report.
7. (1:23). Again Ana and Cenk, 800 baby bodies have not been found, and even if they are found at some time in the future, so what? That doesn't prove anything other than the fact that 800 dead babies, who died over a 36 year period were buried in a plot on the site where they lived. So what, how is that even a story?
8. (1:29). Oh come on Cenk! Haunted by it? On a positive note, at least you're now bringing in some light relief.
9. (1:41). Really Ana? Have you ever spoken to the parents of these girls who were sent to these homes? How on earth would you know these parents thought their daughters were promiscuous? I'm guessing you got this intimate knowledge from the same people who told you the lie that some Irish nuns dumped the bodies of 800 dead babies into a septic tank!
10. (1:45). Again Ana, how the hell would you even know the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy of these women? You just seem to be making this up as you go!
11. (2:00). Actually Ana, the reports of the day seem to indicate that considering the circumstances at the time, the children were actually well looked after. Again, see pages 9 and 10 of the Catholic League report.
12. (2:12). Again Ana, there is no hypocrisy. The Catholic nuns were pro-life and they dedicated their lives to helping some of the most disadvantaged people in their society at the time -- abandoned single mothers and their children, and all for no material gain to themselves. If, as you say Ana, "these nuns had disdain and hatred for these children born out of wedlock", why did these same nuns dedicate their lives to helping them. You should be praising these nuns, not tearing them down. But then, anti-Catholicism is always hateful and irrational isn't Ana.
13. (2:23). Hang on Cenk. Your original claim was that 800 babies died over a 36 year period from 1925 to 1961. Now, given that Atheists like to continually tell the rest of the world how intelligent they are, how is it you didn't pick up the obvious mathematical error? If two babies died every week for 36 years than that would equal 3744 dead babies. So it's not just the whole theme of your anti-Catholic rant that doesn't compute, neither does your basic math.
* (2:33). Cenk, you can't crap all over anti-abortionists and than suddenly turn round and say you're not. By the way, do you ever say anything critical of those who support the killing of human life in the womb? Ever.
* (2:57). Yes Cenk, those Catholic nuns helping those abandoned women and children probably were with God. If there is a God don't you think God would have wanted people to help those women and children? Of course if there is no God, then there is not moral demands on anyone to care for another human being. Hence your belief that killing a human being through abortion is okay.
* (3:00). Cenk, I'm not sure what crazy interpretations of scripture you're talking about, or what crazy dogma you're talking about, but whatever it was that caused those Catholic nuns to dedicate their lives to help the less fortunate of people, and to do so for no material gain, I think that would be the opposite of crazy.
Now regarding the issue of shaming, yes it can be cruel, but it is also a normal part of societal norms used to discourage unacceptable behavior. And it can be easily argued that historically, having sex outside of marriage was bad for society. Again Bill Donohue addresses this issue well on pages 11 and 12 of the Catholic League report.
14. (3:26). Cenk, It is beyond belief that a rational person could describe a home that provided food and shelter to abandoned women and children as being a trash bin. The reality is that the alternative to these Catholic run homes was indeed living among the real trash bins in the street. And these homes didn't ruin the lives of these women and children, they instead provided a lifeline and support to these women and children who otherwise would have been left homeless and broke with no food or shelter.
* (3:52). Cenk, I'm sure even you can't miss the irony of your last comment. Nearly everything both you and Ana have said over the last four minutes were based on things that simply weren't true.
Don't they have words for that kind of speech! I think it's called BIGOTRY and HATE SPEECH -- The two core components of any anti-Catholic rant.
Additional commentary form other sources:
Australia's left wing public broadcaster, the ABC Media Watch program.
Atheist writer and commentator Brendan O'Neill, from Spiked online.
The Catholic League Report - Ireland's Mass Grave Hysteria.
Extract of Associated Press (AP) retraction regarding report on Tuam home for abandoned mothers.
Celebrities spreading hate,
The Young Turks
Monday, June 30, 2014
Fr. Robert Barron on Bill Maher and Biblical Interpretation
Faith and Reason,
Non Catholic Christians
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Tina S Playing Comfortably Numb
15 year old Tina S.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
The 800 Septic Tank Babies That Never Were.
Anti-Catholics are still unhinged.
From Brendan O'Neill at Spiked Online.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Making the Right Choice
LifeCanada / Darby's Story from Transposition Films on Vimeo.
The best moment for any filmmaker is being there for a subject's authentic, vulnerable emotional moment. When they speak what they know & their information or opinion carries weight because the full force of their experience and heart is in it, we know we have found what we are looking for.
We were able to experience that while creating this piece for LifeCanada.
Filmed at our studio on a Sony FS-100 & Red Scarlet camera using Canon glass.
For more, visit http://www.lifecanada.org
Saints and heroes
Thursday, June 5, 2014
The Real Philomena
The real Philomena about which a movie was made.
There was much anti-Catholic hate expressed with the release of the movie Philomena, yet it seems the real Philomena Lee has reconciled with the Catholic Church as can be seen when she meets Pope Francis in Rome.
Below, Philomena reconciled with the Church
There was much anti-Catholic hate expressed with the release of the movie Philomena, yet it seems the real Philomena Lee has reconciled with the Catholic Church as can be seen when she meets Pope Francis in Rome.
Parody - Christina Applegate on Pregnant Pole Dancing
A little bit old now, but it can still raise a giggle at the obsession many women in the pop culture have with always wanting to be sexy.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Science and the Existence of God
Faith and Reason,
Science and Technology
Science Channel Prefers Sci-Fi to Real Science
Bill Donohue from the Catholic League comments on last
night’s show, “Unsealed: Alien Files,” that aired on the Science Channel:
The program speculates that “new evidence may prove the Vatican
is hiding actual aliens from the public.” Either that or the channel will
rename itself the Sci-fi Channel.
The priest who directs the Vatican observatory, Dr. Jose
Funes, was interviewed for the program, and he made the rather unexceptional
remark that the universe is so huge that “it would be possible that life could
evolve the way we know it on Earth.” This is soon followed by a voiceover that
says, “Vatican officials have publicly acknowledged the likelihood of alien
life. This dramatic reversal of Vatican policy demands an explanation. What
does the Church know, or what have they found that causes them to reverse a
2000-year-old teaching?”
While we’re demanding that the Vatican provide an
explanation for its “policy” on aliens, I would like to demand an explanation
from the Science Channel: Must one be nuts to work there?
It gets better. Evidence of alien life, we learn, is
available in the “Vatican secret archives.” But thanks to the Science Channel,
it is a secret no more. “The Vatican secret archives is approximately 52 miles
of shelving we’re told, and over 32,000 archives.” The guy who said this did
not disclose who told him this “secret,” but who needs evidence? Then a
voiceover gets really melodramatic: “But the secrets hidden within the Vatican
can’t stay buried forever. Now new evidence may prove the Vatican is hiding
actual aliens from the public.” That’s right—they can’t play “hide and seek”
forever. Send in the Navy SEALS.
The program also claims that skulls with elongated heads and
small faces, resembling aliens, were found in 1998 under the Vatican Library,
but that access to the site has been denied. A voiceover asks, “Could these
skulls be the remnants of aliens who once lived in the Vatican?” Either that or
the Vatican employs coneheads to work in its “secret” archives.
Science and Technology
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Laurie Goodstein only interested in Sex Abuse if it's Catholic
Celebrities spreading hate,
Sex Abuse
Friday, March 7, 2014
Pope Lauds Benedict For Abuse Response
From the Catholic League
![]() |
Pope Francis (Left) with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI |
Bill Donohue comments on remarks made today by Pope Francis on the sexual abuse scandal:
No one has done more to check the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church than Pope Benedict XVI, but he receives very little credit for doing so. That is why what Pope Francis said today matters: he singled Benedict out for his yeoman efforts. “Benedict XVI was very courageous and has opened a new way.” Because of Benedict, he said, “the Church has done much, perhaps more than all the others.”
Pope Francis is twice right. Long before Benedict became pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as head of the Vatican’s doctrinal congregation, called for swifter and stronger procedures to punish molesting priests. That was in 1988. In 2001, he was given exclusive jurisdiction over these matters, and in 2003 he was awarded the power to police priestly sexual abuse. When he became pope, he made it more difficult for practicing homosexuals to enter the priesthood, the net effect of which has been a sharp decline in the number of abuse cases.
In his interview today, Pope Francis said, “The Catholic Church is perhaps the only public institution that has moved with transparency and responsibility. No one has done more, and yet the Church is the only one that is being attacked.” The pope was obviously referring to the highly politicized, and maliciously conceived, United Nations report on the Vatican’s response to this issue.
Pope Francis not only speaks truth to power, and to the people, he tells it like it is to those who selectively rally to his side. Yesterday, his comments condemning anti-Catholicism were, as I predicted, all but ignored. His remarks today lauding his predecessor will similarly be given short shrift. Such is the politics of the left, religious as well as secular.
Celebrities spreading hate,
Pope Benedict,
Pope Francis,
Sex Abuse
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