Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tim Minchin - !@%# his Pope Song
Tim Minchin's "Pope Song" with a running commentary can be seen below.
Click the "YouTube" or expansion button for a better view. Warning - much swearing.
Of course there is no credible evidence that the Pope is guilty of anything Minchin accuses him of. So why write the song, if not to give expression to his own bigoted anti-Catholic feelings.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
A victory for truth: the life of Bernard Nathanson
An unlikely hero of human dignity died this week, a doctor who once performed thousands of abortions.
Carolyn Moynihan | Thursday, 24 February 2011.
During four decades of the abortion wars in the United States there has been much traffic across the battle lines. Many who should have been on the pro-life side positioned themselves in the opposite ranks -- the deceptively named Catholics for a Free Choice is the prime example. This was the easy path, a case of going with the cultural flow under the influence of leading institutions in the media and political life.Defections from the pro-abortion side, however, have been much more significant, not to mention heroic. Norma McCorvey, the “Jane Roe” plaintiff of the 1973 Supreme Court case which issued in the legalising of abortion throughout the US, became a high profile opponent of abortion and eventually petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn its Roe v Wade decision. Many others have followed her in the public renunciation of the killing of unborn children, most recently Abby Johnson, a young Planned Parenthood clinic operator from Texas, whose story was published last month.
But no convert to the pro-life cause comes near in prominence or influence to Dr Bernard Nathanson, one of the original abortion rights campaigners, who died on Monday at the age of 84. Dr Nathanson, did as much as anyone to launch abortion as a regular means of birth control, but for that very reason he also did more to discredit it once he faced the truth about this “procedure” and began to write and speak against it.
Continue reading A victory for truth: the life of Bernard Nathanson at
Friday, February 25, 2011
Al Kresta discusses the new Roman Missal
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Government Enabled Killings both in Pennsylvania and Victoria (and Queensland?).
The Grand Jury Findings into the activities of Dr Grosnell need to be read just to appreciate inevitable point one reaches when one follows the "Pro-Choice" mentality of abortion on demand.
In Victoria things wouldn't be much better for the unborn if "Pro-Choicers" got their way. From Andrew Bolt in 2007:
I thought killing baby Jessica with an injection into her beating heart was so wrong that good people would cry, “enough”.
Surely we’d make sure such a cruelty could never happen again?
Wrong. Instead, Labor MP Candy Broad last week put up a private member’s Bill that her supporters boast will let doctors kill children just like Jessica without any risk of prosecution.
Indeed, this is the only solid reason any of them give for backing it.
And more from Andrew Bolt on the same case of killing baby Jessica.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Christian anthropology versus the Sexual Revolution
How does Christ revolutionize the Sexual Revolution? Not by turning back the clock, not by a new Victorianism, not by opposing religion to sex, but by showing their real and profound connection.
To see that the Sexual Revolution has been radical in thought as well as behavior, just look at the revolution in language. When people use the word "morality" today they almost always mean sexual morality. That's a remarkable new development, an astonishing narrowing; it's as if we started to use the word "state" to mean only Russia, or the word "technology" to mean only "computers". The reason for the new development is obvious from my two comparisons: sex, Russia, and computers are where there have been the most radical revolutions.
No one speaks of a revolution in any other area of morality. No one speaks of the Property Revolution or the Bearing False Witness Revolution. In fact the rest of the natural moral law is pretty much still in place. Almost no one defends terrorism, sadism, cannibalism, insider trading, nuclear war, environmental pollution, rape, hypocrisy, torture, or murder. We are still "judgmental" about those things. But if it has anything to do with sex we dare no longer be "judgmental".
Continue reading Christian anthropology versus the Sexual Revolution
Friday, February 18, 2011
Not Abortion but Foeticide?
So did this couple who aborted their unborn twin sons because they were the "wrong sex" commit abortion or foeticide?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What Pope Benedict actually said about condom use.
"There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants. But it is not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection. That can really lie only in a humanization of sexuality. " - Pope Benedict XVI
Read more by George Weigel at,
Deflating the New York Times' Condom Scoop
No, the Pope did not change Catholic teaching on condoms.
Also from Patrick Coffin and Jimmy Akin on Catholic Answers:
Condom-mania still going strong
Metro News is reporting that today the Bloomberg administration is launching an iPhone app that allows users to find the nearest place to receive free condoms. The following is Bill Donohue's quote to Metro News:
"Condomania has reached new heights of delirium with this latest iPhone app gimmick. Every year the Bloomberg administration gives away more free condoms, and every year the rates of STD's climb. They are impervious to reason--they never get it."
![]() |
Cases of STDs reported by state health departments: United States, 1997-2009 |
Saturday, February 12, 2011
House of Horror mastermind Tania Staker jailed for 10 years | Courier Mail
You have to wonder why no Government agency uncovered this horror earlier. Twenty people living in one house and nobody thinks that maybe something is not right?
A WOMAN who masterminded a cruel regime of starvation "beyond comprehension" and fuelled by jealousy has been jailed for 10 years.
Today, the Supreme Court in Adelaide jailed Tania Marie Staker, 36, for her role in the neglect of five children at a northern suburbs house between February and June 2008.
Three men - the children's father Luke Armistead, 38, Michael Quinlivan, 27, and Robert Armistead, 41 - were each sentenced to nine years in prison.
In sentencing, Justice Kevin Duggan said each of the adults had inflicted a daily routine of punishment "beyond comprehension" on the five siblings.
"It reached a point where the children were made to stand against a wall without moving ... they were made to stand in the same position from morning until night."
Each of the children were beaten, starved, choked and fed only the scraps left over after the other 21 children in the house had eaten a share of hot chips or noodles.
Continue reading House of Horror mastermind Tania Staker jailed for 10 years | Courier Mail